Saturday, July 10, 2010

The D-1 Ambassadors 15u – Austin Elite coached by Tommy Gregg finished 3rd at the famed Big State Flava Showcase tournament on July 5-9 on the campus of SMU and under the watchful like of numerous college coaches, including coaches from Texas, Sam Houston, UTSA, Rice, A&M, Tulane, just to name a few.  And scouted by ESPN and Roundbally Academy.

Juniors Sabrina Berry from SA Reagan and Ketara Chapel from Temple drew plenty of attention as they led the aggressive AE15u team of only 7 players. Undaunted by being short handled, the players (Rachel Purl –Vista Ridge, Loryn Goodwin -Temple, Brianna Crib –Aransas Pass, Rykeya Johnson -Temple, and Kendra King -Bowie) withstood a furious rally to beat San Antonio Finest for 3rd place. D1 Ambassadors 15u – AE will be taking their show on the road to Battle in the Boro in Tennessee. Zeniah Morgan will be joining them in Tennessee so the fantastic 8 will represent Central Texas at the Battle.



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